Corporate Memberships.

Evolution Fitness is an endorsed stress management exercise facility right here in Whitianga.

Let us help your business by lowering staff stress and boosting productivity, for more information on the Stress Management Exercise Programme (SMEAEP) and the benefits to you as an employer, click here.

Please contact us for more info on corporate memberships here.

Stress Management Programme


Under the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, employers have an obligation to try to prevent and reduce work related harm amongst their staff. This includes mental or physical ill health due to workplace stress.

As most people are aware, exercise and lifestyle changes can play a huge role in managing debilitating stress levels. Adopting an effective programme of exercise can therefore result in a win/win situation for both employees and the business they work for.

The Stress Management Exercise Association Endorsed Programme (SMEAEP) requires exercise professionals to meet certain criteria which then allows them to offer the programme to businesses for a fee that is FBT exempt from the IRD.